R Workshop: Handling Uncertainty in your Data

Welcome to the R workshop “Handling Uncertainty in your Data”!

The workshop consists of two afternoons from 1 - 5 pm:

  1. An optional session on the basics of using R, RStudio, and the tidyverse
  2. A theoretical introduction to measurement precision (cf. Nebe, Reutter et al., 2023) and how this translates to calculating confidence intervals and visualizing uncertainty in R.

This workshop is organized by Dr. Mario Reutter and Juli Nagel. It is sponsored by the Interest Group for Open and Reproducible research (IGOR) of the section “Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology” of the German Psychological Society (DGPs). Consider following IGOR on Twitter/X.

Please use the navigation on the left to select the slides for each topic (recommendation: open in new tab).

Date Topic
02.10. General R Intro
Data Wrangling
Data Visualization
09.10. Measurement Precision
Confidence Intervals
Visualizing Uncertainty