2.1 Measurement Precision

Workshop: “Handling Uncertainty in your Data”

Dr. Mario Reutter & Juli Nagel

What is (Measurement) Precision?

Interest Group: Open and Reproducible Research (IGOR)

Part of the German Reproducibility Network:

Group-level Precision


→ Effects in relation to their group-level precision

Group-level Precision 2


→ Effects in relation to their group-level precision

What is Precision?

  1. Precision is indicated by errorbars / confidence intervals

Subject-Level Precision

Is there a meaningful correlation?

Subject-Level Precision 2

Is there a meaningful correlation?

Subject-Level Precision 3

Is there a meaningful correlation?

What is Precision? 2

  1. Precision is indicated by errorbars / confidence intervals

  2. Whenever you summarize across a variable, you can calculate the
    precision of the aggregation

Trial-Level Precision

Holmqvist et al. (2023, retracted)

Only relevant for time series data (i.e., several “measurements” per trial)

Note: Calculating standard deviation / error is not trivial here because of auto-correlation

What is Precision? 3

  1. Precision is indicated by errorbars / confidence intervals

  2. Whenever you summarize across a variable, you can calculate the
    precision of the aggregation

  3. Precision exists on different levels: group, subject, trial (and more)

Precision vs. Accuracy


What is Reliability?

Not this!


Where is Reliability highest?

cf. Nebe, Reutter, et al. (2023); Fig. 2

What is Reliability? 2

(Intraclass) Correlation
→ explained variance:
\(R^2 = between / (between + within)\)

Reliability tells you if (to what extent) you can distinguish between low and high trait individuals.

⇒ Reliability =
low subject-level variability (high precision) +
high group-level variability (low precision!)

Reliability Paradox

  • Paradigms that produce robust results often show low reliability (Hedge et al., 2018)

  • Why do statistical significance and reliability not go hand in hand?

Reliability Paradox

  • Paradigms that produce robust results often show low reliability (Hedge et al., 2018)

  • Why do statistical significance and reliability not go hand in hand?

    • Statistical power is enhanced by high group-level precision,
      reliability by high group-level variability (cf. previous slide)

    • More subjects only increase group-level precision (high power), leaving subject-level precision constant
      → sample size has no effect on the magnitude of reliability

Reliability vs. Group-Level Precision

  • Group-level precision ⇔ homogenous sample / responses

  • Reliability ⇔ heterogenous sample / responses

→ Choosing your paradigm and sample, you can optimize for group-level significance OR reliability

Basic research favors different things than (clinical) application (or individual differences research)
⇒ Most of the time group-level precision gets optimized at the cost of reliability

Trial-Level Precision to the Rescue!

Improving trial-level precision of the measurement benefits both subject- and group-level precision
⇒ Nested hierarchy of precision

cf. Nebe, Reutter, et al. (2023); Fig. 7

Trial-Level Precision to the Rescue!

Improving trial-level precision of the measurement benefits both subject- and group-level precision
⇒ Nested hierarchy of precision

cf. Nebe, Reutter, et al. (2023); Fig. 7

Summary: What is Precision?

  1. Precision is indicated by errorbars / confidence intervals

  2. Whenever you summarize across a variable, you can calculate the
    precision of the aggregation

  3. Precision exists on different levels: group, subject, trial (and more)

  4. Closely linked to statistical power and reliability

How Can We Enhance Precision?

  1. Shield the measurement from random noise → precise equipment / paradigm
    ⇒ trial-level precision

  2. Identify the aggregation level of interest:

    1. sample differences → optimize group-level precision:
      many subjects that respond homogenously
    2. correlational hypotheses / application → optimize subject-level precision:
      systematic differences between individuals but little variability within subjects across many trials (mind “sequence effects”; cf. Nebe, Reutter, et al., 2023)

⇒ “two disciplines of scientific psychology” (Cronbach, 1957)

Group- vs. Subject-Level Precision

Group-level Precision

  • Group differences (t-tests, ANOVA)

  • Many subjects (independent observations)

  • Homogenous sample (e.g., psychology students?)

Subject-level Precision

  • Correlations (e.g., Reliability)

  • Many trials (careful: sequence effects!)

  • Heterogenous/diverse sample

  • Low variability within subjects across trials (i.e., SDwithin)

Take Home Message

  • We are in a replication crisis

  • Increasing the number of subjects is not the only way to get out

  • Sample size benefits basic research on groups only

⇒ Increase precision on the aggregate level of interest!

Precision in R!

The Standard Error (SE)

Calculates the (lack of) precision of a mean based on the
standard deviation (\(SD\)) of the individual observations and their number (\(n\))

\[SE = \frac{SD}{\sqrt{n}}\]

The Standard Error (SE) in R

No base R function available 💩

  1. Use confintr::se_mean (not part of the tidyverse)

  2. Use a custom function

se <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE) {
  sd(x, na.rm) / sqrt(if(!na.rm) length(x) else sum(!is.na(x)))

The Standard Error (SE) in R 2

Whenever you use mean, also calculate the SE:


iris %>% #helpful data set for illustration
  summarize( #aggregation => precision
    across(.cols = starts_with("Sepal"), #everything(), #output too wide
           .fns = list(mean = mean, se = confintr::se_mean)),
    .by = Species)
     Species Sepal.Length_mean Sepal.Length_se Sepal.Width_mean Sepal.Width_se
1     setosa             5.006      0.04984957            3.428     0.05360780
2 versicolor             5.936      0.07299762            2.770     0.04437778
3  virginica             6.588      0.08992695            2.974     0.04560791

→ subject-level (species-level) precision

Standard Error Pitfalls in R

What is the group-level precision of Sepal.Length?

Note: Treat Species as subjects and rows within Species as trials.

data <-
  iris %>% 
  rename(subject = Species, measure = Sepal.Length) %>% 
  mutate(trial = 1:n(), .by = subject) %>% 
  select(subject, trial, measure) %>% arrange(trial, subject) %>% tibble() #neater output
# A tibble: 150 × 3
   subject    trial measure
   <fct>      <int>   <dbl>
 1 setosa         1     5.1
 2 versicolor     1     7  
 3 virginica      1     6.3
 4 setosa         2     4.9
 5 versicolor     2     6.4
 6 virginica      2     5.8
 7 setosa         3     4.7
 8 versicolor     3     6.9
 9 virginica      3     7.1
10 setosa         4     4.6
# ℹ 140 more rows

Standard Error Pitfalls in R

What is the group-level precision of Sepal.Length?

data %>% 
  summarize(m = mean(measure),
            se = confintr::se_mean(measure))
# A tibble: 1 × 2
      m     se
  <dbl>  <dbl>
1  5.84 0.0676

data %>% 
  summarize(m = mean(measure),
            se = confintr::se_mean(measure),
            n = n())
# A tibble: 1 × 3
      m     se     n
  <dbl>  <dbl> <int>
1  5.84 0.0676   150

Standard Error Pitfalls in R 2

What is the group-level precision of Sepal.Length?

data %>% 
  summarize(measure.subject = mean(measure), .by = subject) %>% #subject-level averages
  summarize(m = mean(measure.subject),
            se = confintr::se_mean(measure.subject),
            n = n())
# A tibble: 1 × 3
      m    se     n
  <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1  5.84 0.459     3

⇒ When using trial-level data to calculate group-level precision, summarize twice!

⇒ Every summarize brings you up exactly one level - don’t try to skip!
trial-level → subject-level → group-level

Summary: Precision in R

data %>% 
  summarize(.by = subject, #trial- to subject-level
            measure.subject = mean(measure), #subject-level averages
            se.subject = confintr::se_mean(measure)) %>%  #subject-level precision
  summarize(m = mean(measure.subject), #group-level mean ("grand average")
            se = confintr::se_mean(measure.subject), #group-level precision
            se.subject = mean(se.subject), #average subject-level precision (note: pooling should be used)
            n = n())
# A tibble: 1 × 4
      m    se se.subject     n
  <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl> <int>
1  5.84 0.459     0.0709     3


Learning objectives:

  • Learn about the core concept of precision and how it relates to similar constructs (e.g., validity, reliability, statistical power)

  • Recognize your aggregate level of interest for research questions and how you can improve its precision

  • (Understand the reliability paradox and its relation to precision)

  • Calculate precision in R (on different aggregation levels)


Confidence Intervals